My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Saturday, February 28, 2009

59/365 - Ethiopia Kembata Grade 4 Dry Process

Today's roast at Full City+. I stopped just as second crack got going. Again. It's good, though not my favorite. Central America seems to be "my" region.

Tablecloth complements of my mother. She is very crafty. She has made 26 quilts (just finished another one!).

I've been sick and working hard. Not sure if that is the same thing. But it was two different things for me. Both were difficult. At least I was in Savannah, which is nice.

Today, I'm home and feeling better. I worked on preparing the camper for a trip. I guess the next one is the Wildflower triathlon training weekend at Lake San Antonio. It's a great place to camp and work out. It's not Oklahoma though, so I'm not sure it will count for OKFree training.

I'm hoping to ride my bike to work a few days this week for OKFree. It's supposed to rain though. I think pretty hard. We'll see.

Time to go make a fire and cook some din-din!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

55/365 - Savannah Sky

55/365 - Savannah Sky, originally uploaded by panodanno.

From Staples. Tired tonight...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

53/365 Launch me.

53/365 Launch me., originally uploaded by panodanno.

Friday evening I started coming down with a bad stomach ailment. We thought it might be food poisoning, but it still persists. I had two very bad days, but this afternoon I'm coming around.

I ate my first real meal this evening since Friday breakfast. It was small, and bland, but it was food. Capped it w/ a swig of Immodium AD for desert. So far, so good.

I'm going to bed early again tonight. I think I have had 24 hours of sleep in the last 48. Still, I have a long week in... a warm place... Savannah. That's right, no snow this week.

Night night.