My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, June 5, 2009

OKay to be Free

155/365, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Last week my client changed our timeline... on Thursday. That means this week was completely unfillable. When you work for yourself that means that you either get caught up in the office (which I did), or take some vacation (which I also did).

Where did I go on my vacation, you ask? Balconville. Well, actually, Yardville which is a hamlet just below Balconville. As a result, my house is much more fire safe than it was. I still need a couple of more days to get all of the way there. But at least I made some progress.

Before I do that though, I just need a bike ride I think.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

153/365 - Climbing Rose

153/365 - Climbing Rose, originally uploaded by panodanno.

This is one of our climbing roses. It is an amazing display to see in real life.

This photo is actually a double exposure. It's a bit confusing to look at I guess, but I was just experimenting with the effect.

Three days to OK. Four to be Free. OK.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

151/365 - Lori

151/365 - Lori, originally uploaded by panodanno.

We rode our bikes through Muir Woods/Beach, Stiinson Beach, and up over Mt. Tamalpais today. It was cold for all except the first 5 minutes and last 15 minutes of the ride. Bolinas ridge was a solid wall of rushing fog.

Lori schooled me on the flats from Stinson to the Mt. Tam climb. I hung on for a while, but gave up for the last 1.5 miles. If she rides like that in OK, her responsibility is going to be to get us a good campsite. I'll be riding w/ the Phat Phorties group. :-)

I'm just glad she isn't seriously training for something right now!

Boy, I can't wait to get out of these temperate temperatures. 90/90 is going to be so awesome, and so OKFree!