In general, I'm not one to make a big deal about my political views, or to make general political commentary. (That's your warning.) Though if you have talked politics with me, you know that I've been very disappointed with the direction our country's leadership has taken us in the last 5+ years. Well, I say leadership, but I think what I'm really saying is leadership in the wrong direction and then lack of leadership to adjust our course. Anyway, the cost for going to war has been terrible in the lives lost or destroyed, and in the economic impact of spending billions weekly to feed our unilateral war machine -- ahh, there's more but I'll stop now while I can!
Hey, so anyway, I was playing around with lighting. I was trying to figure out how to light the hat all the way around and not make myself look too crazy in the process. Chimping the pictures on the camera, I realized that I was dressed just right to impersonate our Commander in Chief. So, I started with his characteristic point, and ended with this classic shrug:
Something weird happened to the color space when I uploaded this, and it got a bit washed out. That seemed to fit the political statement perfectly.
Well, I know that some of you that read this will disagree with me. If you know me well, you know you will have a hard time convincing me I am wrong. I'm a bit stubborn. It's my mountain trail after all. Anyway, if we all agreed on everything, life would be much less interesting.
I hope your weekend has started out well because the week was a doozy!
Bye, bye 'til next time!