My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Waking Up to Ironman Training

Waking Up to Ironman Training, originally uploaded by panodanno.


I'm posting this using Flickr's email posting system. We'll see if it
works. I wrote this last night but couldn't get the email to post due to
poor cell coverage.

Good thing we have four more months… Today was rough. Even if this picture
of Lori hammering up the steepest, longest climb of the day doesn’t show

Today Lori and I rode the Ironman St. George bike “loop” that she will have
to ride twice during her race in May. It was a beautiful, crisp day in the
low 40s when we started out from Snow Canyon. I think it made it up to the
high 40s, but it was still pretty cold for us.

And the course is a real challenge. The west side of the loop is a steady
climb with about three challenging (though short) climbs in it. The east
side is relatively flat or just flat-out downhill. We flew down that part
of the course. Even with full-length tights, long-sleeve jerseys,
wind-resistant hats, gloves, and shoe-covers, it was very cold on the fast

We only rode 50 miles, but it was enough. The scenery was super, and the
riding was fine. Lori was loving her bike, and Eddy was way into riding
with his new friend. And my knee worked out its issues (I adjusted my cleat
after the difficult pains of Christmas Eve). It was a lot of fun. Now we
are tire

Tonight we caught up our bodies w/ yummy steak at the Anasazi Steakhouse &
Gallery in St. George. It’s time for some sleep. Tomorrow we get to do
more Ironman training! Can’t wait. ;-)