I was invited to go along, but I didn't really like the route and I'm not a big group rider. Not because I can't ride w/ a group, I just don't enjoy it that much unless everyone is the same fitness level. Anyway, I decided to ride on my own to Muir Beach and then north to meet the group as they came back from Pt. Reyes.
It turned out to be a beautiful day. It was a bit cold to start (45 degrees) but warmed up to the low 50s, and it wasn't too windy. I met up with the group north of the curves in Bolinas, and then rode back with them. It was actually pretty fun for that short distance. So, anyway, I got my 35 miles in for the OKFree. Tomorrow I'll have to put some more miles in. Otherwise, I will get behind on my training and end up paying for it in June.
Here's some more pictures from Stinson Beach this evening. Cookie needs here evening romp you know!