My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, June 19, 2009

Blog Migration...

I am moving my blog to a new server. This is an experiment for the moment, but if I can get the new format cleaned up, I will probably stay with it. Here is the link: My Mountain Trail

If things don't work out, I'll just move back here. After all, I just figured out how to add a small border around my photos, which is a nice improvement. Anyway, see you on the new trail!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

168/365 - Resilience

There is a seam of serpentine rock cutting through Mt. Tam. It usually results in sparse vegitation and rugged, (green) rocky terrain. This tree has taken on the challenge to survive here. So far, so good.

167/365 - Ah, the Tree!

167/365 - Ah, the Tree!, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Guess where I ended up while hiking on Mt. Tamalpais yesterday evening? It was quite windy, and I wanted to show the action. It's a bit hard to see at this size, but you may see some if you look close.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

162/365 - Foggy Start

162/365 - Foggy in the Morning, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Here's Hal at about 5:45 a.m. last Thursday morning in Thomas, OK. Packing up for another day in the saddle...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Here is a link about the pursuit of happiness from the blog of Steve C., one of my shave-brush customers. It's worth taking a look at.


Cookie!, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

165/365 - Another Dipsea in the Books

1:05:25 actual, and 1:01:25 adjusted. No injuries, though I am very sore now and tomorrow and Tuesday will be worse. I am now 47 in Dipsea years. One more year and I age up again. Can't wait!