I visited the tree today. This is a picture from below the tree. The sun is trying to burn through the fog on the right, and the tree is reaching for the sun. They never quite met while I was there, but it was fun to see some of the action.
Of course I got soaked by the thick fog and wet grass. So from here, I drove up Middle Peak above the fog and soaked up some of that sun too. It was glorious!
My Mountain Trail
Starting From Scratch
Friday, May 29, 2009
Reaching for the Sun
Thursday, May 28, 2009
148/365 - Fog Line
This morning it was 46 degrees, very foggy, and the wind was blowing 12-15 mph. That means that there is lots of what I call "fog rain" under all the trees. Fog rain feels like real rain -- just to be clear.
Those are not fun cycling conditions, and it is even harder to get out there after spending 6.5 hours riding to/from work over the previous two days. I knew it would be warmer once I got above the fog, I just wasn't too excited about getting there.
After 500' of climbing I hit the fog line. Then, another 500' and it was 70 degrees with just a light breeze. Ah, Paradise again! This was the view before I dropped off the ridge back into the 50 degree fog.
There was lots of fog rain, it was cold, it was warm. It was a great ride.
Last night we dropped Lori's car off for service, so after work I rode over to pick it up. It saved me 12 miles and 2500' of climbing. I can't say that I needed the break, but I didn't compain either.
So, 132 miles of riding, about 14,000' of climbing, and most importantly, 9 hours of saddle time these last three days. Am I ready for OKFree? Probably not, but I'm going to survive.
Good news (sort of) today. My Memphis client changed our timeline. This means I don't have to travel next week. At least not to Memphis. Anyway, it also means I can travel to OK from home. This will be much better for us here, and lowers the risk of problems (due to misconnects) on the OK end. Cool.
Can't wait for some heat and humidity. I hope OK doesn't let us down! :-)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
146/365 - San Francisco Looks Cold To Me
When I ride to work, I'm almost always compelled to take a picture of SF as I climb Mt. Tam. This was today's view.
48 miles w/ 5466 ft. of climbing invested towards being free in OK. Oh, and some more stats: 228 watts average, 261 watts normalized. Min temp, 49 degrees, max 100, 2600 calories burned, and I'm tired.
But will it be enough? Guess I will ride to work tomorrow too.
Monday, May 25, 2009
145/365 - The Gardener
Lori has been working hard in the yard this weekend, and she has made some amazing progress.
Note the cherries above her head too! They're yummy!