Our oranges are almost ripe. We don't have a large crop this year, and about a third of the crop has been blown off the tree. This one survives yet, and is almost ripe. Mmmm!
Well, not really. Mmmmm! That is. Our oranges don't get warm enough, so their skins are thick, and the oranges themselves are relatively tasteless. I should probably water them more too.
I spent a couple of hours scanning negatives from the Hasselblad this morning. The above picture of the Toronto airport is one. I know, just what you wanted to see! Interesting lines I guess.
I have been experimenting with posting straight from Flickr. I guess it will be a quick way to post when I am in a hurry. It's not as flexible as using the Blogger interface though.
Lori and I got an easy mountain bike ride in today. Just to the top of the mountain and back. No crashes. I'll have to ride longer tomorrow, and I think she will too.