My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Last Sunrise Until Next Year

Today looks like another beautiful day on the mountain. You can see that Mill Valley is fogged in, but that's not a problem for us or Mt. Diablo in the distance.

Lori, Cookie, and I went for a hike this morning. Since I carried the Hasselblad, those pictures won't show up here for a while, if ever. Film does have its drawbacks. I think there might be some good shots though.

Anyway, today is a run day. Maybe I'll be "extreme" and do another 11 miler. Or maybe shorter and then a ride to train for OKFree. Yeah, that's the ticket. Gotta train for the OKFree.

Here's an article to read. I think this is really just another excuse for exercise bulimia, don't you?

Happy Old Year, and see you in the New Year!

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