Contrary to the title, I don't have much to offer tonight. I finished a brush/bowl set (shown above), had the wheels rebalanced on the Jeep, went to work, went to Costco (low on cheese and greens...), roasted some coffee, and rode the 7 sisters on Eddy. It was nice and warm today, so the riding was super fine.
I finally acquired some neatesfoot oil for the Brooks saddle on Eddy. Two applications, and the seat still feels fine. And, it is a little less slick. I think it just needs miles now.
The 7 sisters ride is only 15 miles, but it does include a couple of thousand feet of climbing. During the ride, I saw the new Honda Insight being filmed for a commercial. We usually see at least a couple of commercials a year up there on Ridgecrest; this time it was a Honda. I took a not-very-good picture of it. It looks like a Prius, so now you don't need to see my photo. The CHP officer controlling traffic said it was a hybrid/electric kind of car. Very new world. Nice. Some day I will be able to get a Jeep like that I'm sure.
So that's it. Oh yeah, tri-tip steak for dinner. Very good off the ol' grill.
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