My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Thursday, February 12, 2009

43/365 - Dinner w/ my bro'

43/365 - Dinner w/ my bro', originally uploaded by panodanno.

My brother, Hal, is in town (for work) from Oklahoma. Since I made it back from Winnipeg late last night, we managed to fit dinner in to tonight. It was great to see him. It's been a little over a year.

We made a quick trip up to the Golden Gate Bridge for a looky see. It was pretty nice. We both had our pocket cameras handy, and here is my shot. Not bad, considering.

Oh yeah, those clouds are, as I type, whipping themselves up into a nice little winter storm. Mt. Tamalpais may even see some snow tonight.


Hal said...

Hey. Thanks for the great evening out. When you come to the great town of Claremore I will reciprocate with a an evening at Cotton Eye'd Joes, as requested!

Lori -- I am so glad to see that Dan married up.


Mt. Tamalpais Woodworks said...

Yes I did... :-)