My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, May 8, 2009

128/365 - Not quite yet...

128/365 - Not quite yet..., originally uploaded by panodanno.

One day short of a full moon.

We have been on vacation for the last week. So between work and our vacation, I am way behind on my 365 project. Plus, no internet for the last few days... Much to do.

This is the view from our campsite tonight. Yeah, it's amazing. And we are glad to be here enjoying it too. Good to have a Jeep, let me tell you.

Oh, and a four-wheel drive camper too. The sand was pretty deep driving here, but as long as you keep your speed up, you are probably okay. At least that has been our experience.

We have many other pictures of other views/things. I wish I could remember where we have been! Ha, ha! Life is good. It takes some work to get it right, and that's good.

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