My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Sunday, May 31, 2009

151/365 - Lori

151/365 - Lori, originally uploaded by panodanno.

We rode our bikes through Muir Woods/Beach, Stiinson Beach, and up over Mt. Tamalpais today. It was cold for all except the first 5 minutes and last 15 minutes of the ride. Bolinas ridge was a solid wall of rushing fog.

Lori schooled me on the flats from Stinson to the Mt. Tam climb. I hung on for a while, but gave up for the last 1.5 miles. If she rides like that in OK, her responsibility is going to be to get us a good campsite. I'll be riding w/ the Phat Phorties group. :-)

I'm just glad she isn't seriously training for something right now!

Boy, I can't wait to get out of these temperate temperatures. 90/90 is going to be so awesome, and so OKFree!

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