My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, January 2, 2009

Yesterday afternoon we drove up to Middletown, CA to visit with our very good friends, Patrick and Victoria. They have a house on Hidden Valley Lake with a great view and a huge grill. We grilled up some flank steak, red peppers, and various un-grilled foods. We spent the night and it was all good -- though I did get whipped at wii bowling!

At Patrick's house and then on the way home I snapped some pictures of Lori for the 365 project.

2/365  Lori and Her Kindle

2/365  Lori in Lake County

After getting home Lori went swimming and I took a nap. Then I got a little run in on the Mountain. It was windy, so the 45 degree temperatures felt much colder. It may have been cold, but it sure was nice to spend some time on the mountain! Not great OKFree training (I admit), but at least I got my heart rate up for 50 minutes or so.

My new coffee bean roaster arrived today. They say home-roasters are for fanatics. I don't know about that yet, but I'm willing to find out. Better to be a coffee fanatic than an exercise bulimic -- I'm going to hold the labelers to one label at a time, so I'm claiming coffee fanatic today. Anyway, I roasted some Sumatra G1 to "Full City" for tomorrow. It smells great, so hopefully it will taste good.

Two more days and life at the salt lick begins again. I would have said salt mine, but I don't think my life is quite that hard, so salt lick it is. We will be making the most of these two days with lots of exercise and fun. Stay tuned... :-)

1 comment:

Mt. Tamalpais Woodworks said...

Lebel, thanks for spamming my site.

Folks, whatever you do, I wouldn't click on any links produced by lebel.