My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Sunday, February 15, 2009

45/365 - Bye bye Kitty

45/365 - Bye bye Kitty, originally uploaded by panodanno.

This kitty was a piñata that gave it up at Lori's 43rd birthday party. It's 18 months older now, and finally gets sent to a decent burial at the recycle bin. It's sad, but it's also good to have some closure... ;-)

This was shot on the first test roll through my Yashica GSN. "Minister D AND GSN?" you ask? Well, yes. See, originally I bought the GSN for about $15 off of ebay. Unfortunately the original battery required is not available and the “replacement” battery didn't seem to work. I decided to buy an MD since they work fine without the battery. Good thing too because I can't get that "replacement" battery to work in the MD either. Anyway, the MD just becomes your basic manual camera without a battery.

So last night, as I was thinking about the camera stuff I'm not using and should be selling, I pointed the GSN at something and composed and fired the shot (no film). The light meter and shutter worked. Hmm, another test firing worked too. It seems that the “replacement” did work, but the battery check switch is faulty.

Today I ran a roll of expired 75c/roll ebay film through the camera. This was one of the shots. Looks like life is good for the GSN. Actually, very good. And the f1.7 lens is fast and fine. Life couldn't be better in the budget rangefinder world after all

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