My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

49/365 -- Distortion

49/365 -- Distortion, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Working late in Bradford. This is the view out of my meeting room while I wait for my midnight-crew audience. I suppose this could be the shiftworker's view...

It snowed hard for a while today. Wet, big flakes. Now it is raining. Hopefully it won't freeze again right away, because it is crazy slick already.

1 comment:

Hal said...

Hey Dan,

Dad and I attended an OKFree seminar last night. They covered bike set-up, taking care of camp, taking care while riding and taking care of yourself. I came away with a new understanding and respect for the event and am newly excited about the opportunity to ride.

See you in June!
