My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, February 6, 2009

Winter is Back

36/365 -- Fog on the Mountain

It was very foggy yesterday evening on my run on Mt. Tamalpais. Not too cold though, so it was still a lot of fun. The view you can't see here is of the Pacific Ocean.

Last night it rained pretty hard (.4 inches since about 3:00 a.m.), and continues to rain this morning. It looks like a running day. Tomorrow is supposed to be better, so Lori and I will probably try to get some miles in on the bikes.

Every day is a day closer to the OKFree, and there is no way to cram for that test. So, I keep telling myself that I must be consistent every day, and every week to be ready. Most of the time that gets me out there too!

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