My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's Ride!

Finally! I rode to work today. It's been months since I have had the time to ride and the weather has been reasonable on the same day. It was actually pretty cold at 34 degrees with frost on the cars. Fortunately, Eddy was in the garage and raring to go. I dressed up in a bunch of polypro lined Lycra and windstopper to survive the cold. I looked like a giant black and blue sausage. It was much warmer coming home so I shed most of that gear and transformed myself into a red sausage. Hey, how can you ride like Lance unless you dress like him?

Here is a picture from the ride in. It was a bit hazy, but that just adds to the depth of the photo. My camera battery died right after this, so there were no other photo ops.

69/365  Layers

So, that gives me a couple of good training days for OKFree in the last 4 days (yesterday was a rest day). I felt good today. Not super strong, but not suffering either. 46.6 miles and 5000' of climbing. That makes for a good commute and it means that I didn't loose as much as I thought I did when I was sick.

I am planning to ride tomorrow too. I doubt it will be quite as easy, but that is okay. OKFree will be easier. I don't want those Okies making too much fun of me in my California Kit. :-)

Today was another full moon. Of course I had to take a photo, so here it is:

69/365 - Another Full Moon

The color comes from our smog (or other particulate matter) low on the horizon. I shot this while the moon was still pretty low in the sky.

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