My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Monday, April 13, 2009

102/365 - Easter Sunrise

102/365 - Easter Sunrise, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Every year on Easter Sunday morning about 250 motorcycles fly by our house; some at very high speeds. They have an informal meet-up at the top of Mt. Tamalpais for the sunrise.

I got the chance to talk w/ one of the park rangers about it. He says that if the gate to the top is locked, the bikers cut the locks and go anyway. So, instead of making a big deal out of it, the park now unlocks the gate at about 5:30 a.m. and then charges them all $6 to park in the parking lot at the top (which is the normal fee). The park makes a bunch of money, and the bikers watch their sunrise...

I figured I would get up and photograph them. If you can't beat em' join them, right? I should work for the park...

I missed the photo of the biggest group. They were on both sides of the road. Not the sharpest tools in the ol' shed.

And we don't have to set an alarm clock. A half hour of noise-pollution takes care of that task for us.

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