My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Thursday, April 16, 2009

106/365 - Birds, but not of a feather.

Spent some time at the firehouse getting trained on emergency communications. I'm a RACES elf because I'm too stubborn to meet the county's ridiculous requirements to be official. Finger prints, lie detector test, background check, wind humidity test. Hey, I'm just volunteering to pass along emergency communication when no one else can do it. It's not like I was offering to drive a ballistic missle submarine, for crying out loud.

I digress. Sorry.

Anyway, this cool scene of the hawk, ravens, and airplane is such a good represntation of today's world. I saw them while I was walking home from the firehouse.

By the way, our firefighters are very engaged in their jobs. They actually care about our little neighberhood up here. That's really great for us, but I guess in retrospect, not real surprising.

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