My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Sunday, May 3, 2009

122/365 Wildflower Power!

122/365 Wildflower Power!, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Yesterday Lori competed in the Wildflower long course (70.3) triathlon. She has trained very consistently and hard for this race. As a result, she had to make a trip to the podium for some hardware. Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!

She was given the runner-up trophy last night at the awards ceremony. Today, they show her in third place. Either way, this is an amazing result in a very, very competitive field. Wow! WOW! That is the word.

Here is a picture of Lori and Dorette after their successful race. They both PRed, which was super cool.

70.3 and still smiling!


Hal said...

Congrats Lori!

Anonymous said...


Super Cool! Great to finish "in the money" and to PR too! Wow! All that hard work paid off. We are proud of you.