My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Camera Obscura Magica

It's another beautiful day on the mountain. The temperature peaked out at 55.7 degrees, and it was sunny all day. It was breezy at times, but nice.

I managed to get 29 more miles and 3000' of climbing in the break-in cycle on the Brooks. Still works/feels great, though still slick. I wore a much thinner pair of tights today, so it was a good test. Test sat.

I haven't taken many pinhole pictures lately, so I took a couple this morning. The first is another sunrise:

10/365 Another Sunrise

10/365 Camera Obscura

The second is me on the deck. It is a 10 second exposure so I turned my head in different directions and held it there during the exposure. I look blurry, but if you concentrate on one part of my head, you can actually see my face looking in a certain direction, left, right, or center. Kind of interesting.

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