I made it to the trail by about 4:35 p.m., with my Petzl and camera in hand -- I was ready to take some photos (can't forget the 365 Project) and finish in the dark. On the way up the Matt Davis trail this looked like this:
This was good news because it is not unusual to have clear skies above dreary fog... if you can just get high enough. Well, the above picture shows that it was possible. When I topped out at the West Point Inn it was clear and foggy all around below. Here's a picture at the end of Nora just before the inn. It was a very beautiful evening so I snapped some quick photos and took off for home.
Unfortunately, the excellent sunset at WPI meant that I would finish in the dark for sure. Oh yeah, and the fog. Anyway, it was almost dark when I made it home. I used the headlamp for the last 2 miles -- especially important in the redwood groves -- without incident.
So, my 6 miles tonight count towards Dipsea training. Gotta get back to that OKFree training though. But first, it's off to Winnipeg tomorrow. I think the highs are supposed to be -5 degrees F. I confident my runs in our 45 degree weather will have me ready, aren't you?
Night, night!
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