My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, January 9, 2009

Home on the Mountain

I made it home from the Great White North this morning at about 12:15 a.m. It was a balmy 48 degrees and moonlit on the Mountain. The valleys were full of fog and cold, but we were relatively warm. This morning the sunrise looked like this:

9/365  Good Morning!

I worked from home to save the commute time. That meant I had time to do the work and get a run in on my favorite trail, Old Mine. At the top (on a non-foggy day) you can see the City to the southeast and the Farallon Islands to the west. It was clear today.

The sun was right over the Farallons so I took my picture with San Francisco in the background. It was a great 11 miles on the trail. The day after a day off is usually fun, and today was no exception.

9/365 - Running on Old Mine Trail

My bro', Hal, is coming to San Francisco! He is coming for ERP training in February. I'm not sure why you need training to erp. I usually find I can erp just by taking a big swig of Diet Pepsi, or as we do in California, Crystal Geyser flavored water.

Anyway, it will be a good chance to compare notes on our OKFree training. Today was a Dipsea training day, but tomorrow I will get on the bike and break that Brooks saddle in some more. It's supposed to be a nice day, so it should be good.

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