My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Sunday, March 1, 2009

60/365 - Alien Invader from the planet Lyme

60/365 - Alien Invader, originally uploaded by panodanno.

This tick bit me early this morning (4:30 a.m.) -- with intent to infect me with Lyme Disease. I wasn't having it. Now he is a specimen that will get trotted out if I show any adverse effects to his breakfast choice.

These small guys are the dangerous ones too. We think Cookie picked him up across the street when we went over to feed the neighbor's dog last night. They get a lot of deer around their yard (no other houses and on California Parks land) and their yard has a full crop of these little guys. Very dangerous actually.

I have our friend's list of Bay Area doctors that understand Lyme disease. I will post them soon...


Anonymous said...

Pretty strange how you were just posting about this and no sooner do you hit send than you get bit by one.

had you not ran that series would you have even paid attention, or is this something you always kept in mind?

Mt. Tamalpais Woodworks said...

Of course we all know about Lyme Disease, but until our recent exposure to people fighting the long term effects of the disease I had not thought a lot about it. Get a tick bite, pull it out, roast the tick, and keep an eye on things from there.

Now, I guess we are a bit more sensititve -- I'll keep the tick and have it tested if any symptoms show up. My doctor actually went ahead and prescribed an antibiotic this time around since I was in for follow-up travel-shot visit last week.

As the doc says, it's a numbers game. Chances are, you will not be affected, but there is a very real chance you will be too.