My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Sunday, March 15, 2009

74/365 - Yes!

74/365 - Yes!, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Our weather is cold, foggy, and raining today. Very winter like for us. But Spring is here!

This picture shows one of the most exciting moments of the year. Cherry blossoms! Soon my beloved cherry trees will be covered with them. 2.5 months from now, they will be the most delicious Bing cherries you can imagine. YUMMY!

BTW, the robins and ravens feel similarly. It's always a race to see who gets the most cherries. Me or the birds. I count on our local semi-wild tomcat to help keep the birds in check, but he has to sleep sometime... Besides, w/ 4 trees, there are enough for everyone.

Of course, I always get the most blackberries...

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