My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's not a compact camera...

It's not a compact camera..., originally uploaded by panodanno.

If I look like I'm straining here, well, you try and hold one of these cameras at arm's length...

At my age more than a few ounces start to add up. Make me push a button too? All bets are off.

Today I found myself ranting about politicians. I almost wrote a post about it, but managed to dodge the bullet. Not guarantees that I can avoid it in the future though...

Okay. My question is: When will politicians stop pandering to their polling machines and start doing their jobs? I don't care what your party is. Your representative only cares about votes, and they make decisions based on polls. That way they don't need to think and do their job. Represent our best interests.

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