My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Monday, March 23, 2009

82/365 - Exploring the Jungle

82/365 - Exploring the Jungle, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Tonight I went for a little expedition in my backyard. My neighbors know it as "the jungle". Hey, my philosophy for gardening and yard work is if it grows on its own, and I can live with it, it should live.

So, no poison oak, and those ticks' days are numbered, but if you are aloe, or camelia, or asian pear, or cherry, or orange, or plum, or apple, or onion grass (for crying outloud!), you're good to go as far as I'm concerned.

The black acacia's on my blacklist though. One of these days...

Tonight I went for a little run, but tomorrow it's back to OKFree training. The plan is to ride to work. It's 48 degrees now (7 degrees warmer than this morning), so hopefully it won't be too cold. No rain to worry about though, so that is good.

I had a short chat w/ Eddy tonight. He said it was time to go find some more turkeys. He's probably right. Sunrise comes early enough (7:08 a.m.) to get me in to work in time to be productive. Okay. Free.

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