My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Sunday, March 22, 2009

81/365 - Rain Forest

81/365 - Rain Forest, originally uploaded by panodanno.

When it rains here, the "moss" on the trees springs to life and becomes a vibrant garden of ferns. It's just amazing to see, and really only like this during or just after a rain.

Yesterday and today we had what may be our last rain for many months. Hopefully not, but there is no rain expected for the rest of the week. The more days that pass, the less chance there is of rain.

Anyway, I have been wanting to photograph these mini-rain forests all winter, but just haven't taken the time to do it. Today, on our run to the top of Middle Peak, I stopped for a few shots with my old Canon S400. I left the G9 at work last week, so I had to run with my backup.

These trees were on Fern Creek trail, but there were many others out there. It was cold (for us), windy, and sunny on our run. Oh yeah, and amazingly beautiful.

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