My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

84/365 - Handsome Tom

84/365 - Handsome Tom, originally uploaded by panodanno.

This morning's commute was fantastic. I felt good on the bike, and I was in a hurry to get to work. Perfect fit.

That also meant that I put the camera in my back pocket and didn't plan to take any pictures. Well, maybe only if I saw a turkey doing the mating dance.

Well, just as I topped out on Bolinas ridge I saw a bobcat. He/she leisurely trotted across the road and down the hill. No time to stop, but cool.

Next I saw a group of four deer. They walked off the road, but then watched me ride by like so many domestic animals. No time to stop, but again cool.

Then I saw the coyote as I was barreling down a steep section. He was also on the road. He dashed off the road and turned around and stared. Hmm, cats and dogs today. Very cool.

Next up, a tom turkey cruising the road. No females about, so he was just being... cool. Finally I pulled out the camera.

And then I saw this guy. He was in full dance mode. As long as the girls were about, he wasn't going anywhere. He fluffed and strutted until the hens moved off the road and into the woods. (The hens were around the bend, so I couldn't get their picture.) Then it was time to move on and let the cyclist pass.

From there I re-entered civilization and just had to avoid all the turkeys in their cars and trucks.

Yep, quite a commute this morning.

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