My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

28/365 - Ice in Winnipeg? Naw!

28/365 - Ice in Winnipeg? Naw!, originally uploaded by panodanno.

I have been in Wnnipeg the last couple of days. It's been about -20C until this afternoon. It warmed up to about -12 when it clouded up this afternoon. Very nice, but we still had to de-ice before taking off for Denver.

My flight is delayed out of Denver, but at least I will be home late tonight or early tomorrow morning. I might even stop at the Golden Gate Bridge for a night photo before heading for the Mountain.

The last couple of days' photos have been on film, but this looks like it will be the best of the day, so I decided to post it w/o waiting for the film to be developed. If I have a sudden moment of inspiration w/ film, I will replace this one.

I'm not feeling inspired though...Just tired.

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