My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Saturday, January 31, 2009

It's Saturday, Be Productive!

Cookie and I sent Lori off to swim at 6:45 a.m. this morning. We prep'd her with some fresh-roasted (Full City+ yesterday morning) Brazil Ipanema "Tree Dry-Process" which we have been enjoying a bunch. I'm thinking it will be a re-buy.

From there, we messed around with some pictures, including this huge stitched together set of four medium format slides:

Golden Gate Bridge

The full-size file is large enough to print a picture that is 30"x100". Pretty big...

After that, I went for a 30 mile ride on Eddy again. I was going to go farther, but really wanted to get home. I needed to work on a brush:

28 mm x 60 mm loft Maple Burl

And Cookie wanted to go to the beach, as she explains to Eddy here:

31/365 - Cookie and Eddy

And now, as I blog, I just brewed up some decaf ground in the Turkish grinder. Mmm good. Bedtime soon though...

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