My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Friday, January 30, 2009

30/365 - Bolinas Lagoon

30/365 - Bolinas Lagoon, originally uploaded by panodanno.

Today was a good photo day. Lori and I went for a ride on our bikes and saw lots of deer, two hawks perched very close to the road, two (not just one!) bobcats, oh yeah and some humans. It was 60 degrees and very nice.

We had a good ride, but not far enough. 30 miles with lots of climbing etc., but we're going to have to do better. I am riding alone tomorrow I guess, so maybe I will try for 50-55 miles. I'm racing (sort of) in a half marathon on Sunday. I say sort of because it is really just a test to see how far I need to go to get ready for the Dipsea this year. My goal is top 100, and that means I have to have some serious game on Dipsea day.

Here are some more photos:

I'm still so you can't see me.

Cats know how to live...

Lounging in the sun.

And a random weed on a gate...

Flowers or weeds?

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