My Mountain Trail

Starting From Scratch

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oklahoma Freewheel Map

The Oklahoma Freewheel has finally announced their host towns. I guess if you live near Oklahoma City, or Lawton, or Watonga, or someplace like that, you don't need a map. Just post the towns and your done. But for those of us that don't live in that area, it sure would be nice.

I asked Bro' Hal about a map, and he suggested creating my own on Google as he did. Okay, fine. If the OKFree organization won't take the time, I guess we can all do it on our own. Or, you can look at my map and save yourself some time.

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Of course, I can't guarantee this is the route. But I did connect the towns. That's about the best we can do right now. For the moment, this is the route I'm riding... Seems like they could give us a bit more detail, but I guess it would spoil the fun if we had all the information at once.

1 comment:

jasonk said...

I'm glad you're coming to do Freewheel. It is a blast from beginning to end.
Understand that this is a mostly volunteer deal. Announcing the host towns in January is a big step, something that started last year when new people took over the leadership. Now that that towns are in place, organizers will work with local citizens, county authorities, and the state Department of Transportation to come up with the best possible route. You can pretty much count on the route taking as many county roads as possible, only using state and US highways as connectors to the back roads. At least that's the way most people like it.